Roof Cleaning Plainfield NJ
(877) 420-WASH 
Plainfield Roof Cleaning
Please do not let anyone pressure wash your roofing shingles! Power washing roof shingles is the worst thing you can do for a roof. Not only can it damage the shingle, it does not solve the problem. The organisms staining the roof are alive and contagious. It will never get better if left alone. It will only get worse and foster the growths of other organisms like moss and lichen. Moss develops a root system like a plant. The root system slowly shreds the shingle apart. The best way to remove moss from a roof is to kill the moss at the root then allow it to decompose and let the rain wash away. This is a slower process to remove the moss but it’s the best way to insure there is no damage to the shingle.
Black staining on a roof is actually a single celled bacteria that feeds on the limestone in the roofing shingle. Limestone is an organinc mineral that is added to the shingle for weight and strength. Certain organisms can break down the limestone for digestion. There is plenty of limestone for an “all you can eat buffet” for these organisms. A roof can last 3-5 years longer by elimating organisms that feed on the shingle.
Roof shingles are designed to reflect harmful UV rays. A darkened roof caused by algae, moss, and bacteria will actually absorb sunlight and increase attics temps. This will cause A/C systems to work 15% to 30% longer to acquire desired cooling temperatures. A clean roof can reduce cooling costs.
All roof cleanings are approached like a “pest control” job. We understand most people are looking for a “cleaning” or “pressure washing” of the roof. We also understand the feeling one must get to come home to their biggest investment with an ugly roof that is out of control. We specialize in this NON-pressure approach to insure a long lasting roof free of mold and algae.
Call us for a free evaluation or sample of what a clean mold-free roof can do to the curb appeal of you home.
Thank You,
Ed Thompson-Owner
(732) 726-9261