Safe Roof Cleaning Bridgewater NJ | Somerset
County Powerwashing 732-726-9261
Roof Soft-Washing for Bridgewater NJ
The roof in the pictures below was cleaned using our exclusive soft-wash system. No pressure washing, no scrubbing or high water pressure. Actually, we never stepped foot on this roof! Roof stains are caused by living organisms. It is suggested to always treat the entire roofing area. This will insure a more thoroughly sterilized roof and it will stay clean for an extended period of time.

Need a Safe Roof Cleaning or Power Washing in Bridgewater NJ?
Thanks for checking out our blog. Here we journal as much work as possible to let the folks know of the great results we get using our exclusive roof soft-washing technique. Roof cleaning is a generally new service within the last 10 years. There is a scientific reason behind this, and it is too much for me to write here. You can call me, Ed Thompson, and I’d be happy to explain it to you. Roof algae has become an explosive epidemic. The bacteria causing the black roofing stains is called Gleocapsa Magma and it feeds on the limestone in the roofing shingle. By cleaning the roof of this bacteria the roof will last many years longer. Black stains on the roof actually absorb UV rays and it’s been proven that it heats the attic space. This forces the air conditioning to work harder to cool the home. By having a mold free roof you actually decrease your cooling costs. The cost of cleaning a roof is paid back by creating more life in the roof and saving electricity with cooling costs.
No High Pressure, Non-Abrasive Roof Cleaning
We are Certified Professional Roof Cleaners of the Roof Cleaning Institute of America. A certified members pledges to never use any type of scrubbing, scraping, or high water pressure to achieve the desired cleaning results. Roof shingle manufacturers are persistant in their recommendations for cleaning the roofing shingle. We follow them exactly to their specifications. A disinfecting detergent with the proper calibration can kill the organisms that are creating the roof stains plus clean the shingle with zero effect on the roofing material. Ask us about our 3 Year Spot Free Warranty for every roof cleaning.