Thompson Roof Cleaning and Power Washing LLC
(877) 420-WASH 
Westfield NJ Roof Cleaning
Thank you for finding our Westfield roof cleaning and power washing near me. With over 20+ years cleaning experience find out what’s the buss with our easy no-hassle quote, scheduled and results. Our unique soft-wash process pairs naturally with any surface, roof or siding.
Our Process
Roof cleaning is not a power washing job. Stains on a roof are contagious living organisms that will never cure on its own. As a result drive down any street in Westfields tree-lined streets and find almost every roof having some form of infestation of moss, mold and/or algae. Treating the stain with a sanitizing detergent will insure a clean roof for an extended period of time. Considering the nature of contagious organisms, killing the growth at the root system denies an opportunity for immediate re-growth. Soft wash processes works well for cedar roofs, slate roofs, tile roofs, metal roofs as well as the popular asphalt shingle.
What’s In The Soap?
Ammonia, bleach, citrus and vinegar tops the list for effectiveness in sanitizing surfaces. Regardless of the top contenders bleach-based detergent provides the proper ph needed to kill or dissolve growth depending. Black algae staining should dissolve immediately where as moss will die easily but take time to fall away. Moss develops a root system into the shingle therefore scraping or cropping the top will not kill the root. Bleach leaves behind no residual toxicity and biodegrades back to salt once it dries.
Power Washing Near Westfield NJ
Soft-wash is the word of the day. Any surface can benefit from a soft wash process. Vinyl sidings, aluminum, stucco, eifs and even painted surfaces can benefit from a safe low pressure soft wash. Most of the staining on sidings contain organic features therefore a sanitizing detergent can dissolve the staining and create simple rinsing properties. On that note a low pressured wash works well for practically any surface including decks, windows, gutters, patios, gazebos, children’s toys and more.
How To Get a Quote
It couldn’t be easier. Call us toll free or local (732) 726-9261 or fill out our estimate form HERE
Our lead processor will take basic information and use online satellite images to views and quote most projects and properties. Our techs are workers compensation insured. Continual education and training provided HERE